About Anthony


About Anthony

Anthony is the owner and founder of Anthony’s Hair Salon, New York’s premier studio for unbeatable styling and hair replacement. Anthony attributes his decades of success to working hard, being open to change, and never taking his clients for granted. He’s trilingual and doesn’t discriminate; everyone is welcome at his salon. If you’ve struggled to find hair-care professionals you can trust, Anthony’s will give you the refreshing honesty you’ve been hoping for.


Like most great American stylists of his generation, Anthony began his education in his home country of Italy. From the age of 14 until his early 20s, he worked under the tutelage of multiple renowned masters throughout Northern Italy. Anthony began his career with what you might call classical training, and it instilled in him a lifelong passion for learning. Since the very beginning he has consistently attended conventions, completed courses, and experimented with ways to improve results. Eventually he became the teacher and is an established expert in the field of hair restoration.

The Father of Men’s Style in America

When Anthony arrived in New York, long hair was in for men but their barbers couldn’t help them. American barbers provided a cut and a shave, and that was about it. He immediately began introducing New York’s barbers to styling for men, and it wasn’t long before each salon he served had a line out the door every morning.

Decades of Innovation

Anthony doesn’t just deliver great services; he takes them to another level. Over the years he has invented numerous improvements to give his clients even better results than other styling professionals could expect. He developed an innovative method of applying men’s hair color that makes their hair look dramatically more natural than standard color. He devised a two-shears-in-one-hand cutting technique that can make any hair addition look like natural, growing hair. He created a way to ensure hair additions don’t fall off during motorcycle rides or parachute jumps! Anthony goes the extra mile with every client to do what it takes to get that person feeling and looking his very best.